Packaging’s Role in Protecting the Patient


When it comes to the medical packaging industry, there are two things we all have in common. 1) We’ve all been a patient, and 2) we all know someone who has been a patient. I believe this is where so much passion in this industry comes from. Our work, while not as obvious as the surgent or doctor’s, directly impacts the ones we love.

Before I started in this industry if you asked me if I thought about packaging, I’d be lying if my answer was yes. Today, I see it everywhere—it’s one of those things once you’ve seen it, you can’t unsee it. I personally can speak to how packaging played a role in the delivery of my son, how it protected my dad with his neck surgery, or my husband with a broken clavicle.   

When my husband was a junior in high school, he reached his hockey stick at just the right angle that when he and an opposing teammate collided, it resulted in a severely broken clavicle, requiring what is called an open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) procedure. Each step of the surgical procedure has a significant amount of packaging involved. Let’s take a look at some of the packaging that would have been used in this surgery.  


The Surgical Process:   

Room and sterile field are prepped. General anesthesia & regional nerve anesthesia are administered. Vital sign monitoring is readied for continuous monitoring.  

*Whether the surgical plan calls for intubation or not, an intubation kit will be opened 90% of the time so the team is ready in case of emergencies.                 

Medical Equipment  


Intubation Kit 

Tracheal tube  

Tyvek®/film pouch (sterilized with irradiation)  


Tyvek®/film pouch (sterilized with EO)  

Single-use laryngoscope handle-blade combination  

Plastic bag 

Intubating stylet  

Tyvek®/film pouch (sterilized with EO) 


Glass vials  

General Anesthesia  

Bair hugger (warming blanket) – upper or lower depending on need 

Plastic bag 

Oxygen mask  

Plastic shrink wrap  

Supraglottic airway (used when full breathing tube is not necessary) 

Supraglottic airway  

Tyvek® lid/tray (sterilized with EO) 

Laryngeal mask airway  

Tyvek® lid/film (sterilized with EO) 

Intravenous (IV)  

IV start kit  


  • Generic dressing  
  • 2 Gauze  
  • 1 Tape Strip  
  • 1 Alcohol pad  
  • 1 Extension set  
  • 1 Barrier film 1mL  
  • 1 Preoperative skin prep 3mL 
  • 1 Tourniquet  

Tyvek® lid/tray (sterilized with EO)  


Drawing up medications  

7 Total syringes used in varying sizes 


5mL syringe 

Tyvek®/film pouch (sterilized with irradiation) 

10mL syringe  

Tyvek®/film pouch (sterilized with irradiation) 

30mL syringe  

Tyvek®/film pouch  (sterilized with irradiation) 

Syringe needles  

Tyvek®/film pouch + red needle caps (sterilized with irradiation) 

1 IV bag  

Plastic bag  

3 medical vials  

Glass vials  

Additional items 

Anesthesia circuit  

Plastic bag  


Plastic bag  

Artificial Manual Breathing Unit  (AMBU) bag  

Plastic bag  

석션 튜빙  

Plastic bag  

Suction canister  

Plastic bag  

Yankeur suction device  

Tyvek®/film pouch (sterilized with EO) 



Repositionable monitoring electrodes  

Foil/foil tear pouch  

Pulse oximeters  

Plastic bag  

Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Cuff  

Plastic bag  

Co2 monitor line  

Plastic bag 

Clavicle plate and screw kit 

Zone coated Tyvek® lid/tray (sterilized with irradiation) 


  • The affected area is cleaned and the first incision is made. The surgeon will bring the pieces of clavicle back into alignment (reduction and will secure the pieces of clavicle to each other (fixation). To do this, he or she may use screws, metal plates, wires, and pins, all of which is typically packaged in a kit with a Zone coated Tyvek® lid/tray configuration.  

Why is the packaging designed this way? Zone coated lids are important in this packaging as any device being placed into the human body should not come in contact with adhesive coating applied to lidding. Depending on the company providing the device you can sometimes see this appear in a double tray configuration. A tray/lid combination is typically preferred for medical devices that will be implanted due to their high-value and need to remain secure and protected.  

  • Layers of skin and muscle are surgically closed around the clavicle. 

As you can see from this high-level look at a surgical procedure, and just digging into a small portion of the packaging needed, there is a lot! If devices are not handled and protected appropriately, there is an opportunity for contamination which puts the patient’s safety at risk—packaging is a vital component to proper handling and aseptic presentation. The takeaway: in one procedure there are multiple points that our work makes a difference and impacts the outcome for the patient.  


